( all text is translated from Swedish with Google translation program )
Lasers in genetic / hereditary hair loss!
Laser treatment is thought to slow down hereditary hair loss and to generate an improvement. In order to appreciate any benefit from laser treatment, you must have an existing hair growth, otherwise there is no hair to improve the situation or to try to slow down!
The laser is not a cure but a treatment. As long as you have the right conditions and uses the laser, so it may have an effect.
There is thus no single treatment that continues to this! We must continue to support treatment for as long as you think that the laser has a positive effect. Direct that they stop their treatment process so slowly turns back again. just as the effect wears off at the gym if you quit. It is perfectly natural and nothing strange at all.
You should never start to get laser regrowth on bare surfaces! It is very rare and it is difficult to know if a hair follicle is in a coma or dead. Even if a hair follicle is in coma (and then can go to get back into production), so usually those hairs never become fully developed and achieve normal thickness again.
It can be about individual hairs coming back. Laser to start at the genetic hair loss for that: to a) slow down their hair loss and / or b) get any improvement with thin hair get more nutrition and are becoming thicker again, or c) operate a hair transplant that has been done (slow hair loss around the trnapslanterade area so that not even "own" hair which falls in that way and ultimately make transplant worthless).
Lasers should be supplemented with eg minoxidil (Rogaine or Recrea) and preferably also Finasteride (Propecia) in order to be able to get the best effect and in the best position. In some cases it is enough not only to the laser to get a full effect, then the laser can not eliminate one of the biggest causes of hair loss, namely DHT (dihydrotestosterone). While the laser is increased nutrient inputs to the hair follicle, so DHT can be newly created on a large scale to cause a Catch-22. Then, it is in one's own interest to try to influence the positive balance so that the laser can be useful to the full. So it is recommended that, in principle, always at least supplement their laser treatment with minoxidil! If you have high blood pressure or any heart problems, you should consult a doctor or at least Apoteket's advice before using minoxidil!
For further information see: www.swedishhairlasercenter.se or www.hårlaser.nu
Good luck and do not wait until it's too late! Lasers do best advantage of an early pre-emptive, not in bare areas have grown!